what are the 85 minerals in shilajit

Do you want to know what are  85 minerals in shilajit then you Have come to the right place in this article we will discuss shilajit. like what is its health benefits history and what minerals shilajit contains so let’s start


Unlock the treasure trove of nature’s bounty with Shilajit, boasting over 85 essential trace minerals including Zinc, Magnesium, Potassium, Selenium, and Iron. Its potent Fulvic Acid facilitates cellular mineral absorption, amplifying its health benefits beyond measure.

It is a common ingredient in Ayurvedic medicine, an age-old (5,000 years) form of treatment and prevention of disease that originated in India and is currently used in many Asian nations. The foundation of Ayurvedic medicine is the idea that one can live a long and healthy life without taking prescription drugs if they maintain balance in the body’s three “doshas.”

Shilajit’s high fulvic acid content is one of the reasons it works so well as a medicine. Proven advantages of fulvic acid include bettering intestinal health and maintaining skin health. One of the most popular supplements to boost your intake of this powerful acid is fulvic acid, which is present in large amounts in this ancient herb.

Shilajit has been used for thousands of years as a holistic body rejuvenator, and its effects on different body systems have been the subject of a sizable amount of research. therefore  You should read up on what it might be able to perform for you before discounting it due to its peculiar appearance.

What Is Shilajit?

Shilajit, sometimes called mummy or mumie, is an organic mineral compound found in the highlands of Chile, Afghanistan, Russia, and other places. It is also found in the Himalayas. More than forty minerals and compounds, including fulvic acid, are included in this naturally occurring, blackish-brown resin.

In Nepal and India, shilajit has long been a part of traditional Ayurvedic therapy. In some cases, it is supplemented to treat diseases such as iron deficiency anemia.1. certain indications exist that shilajit possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant characteristics.2.

Due to a lack of studies, the safety and possible adverse effects of shilajit supplements are mostly unclear. Consult your doctor before beginning a shilajit supplement.

Nutrition Facts of Shilajit

What minerals are in Shilajit
What minerals are in Shilajit

Because shilajit contains a high concentration of nutrients from both groups, it is unclear if it is a completely biological or geological substance. Among the most widely known nutrients found in it are dibenzo alpha pyrones, fulvic acid, and humic acids.

This analysis of the nutritional composition of one brand helps provide a starting point for the levels of common minerals you might find, while different types and brands may include differing concentrations of some vitamins and minerals. It is frequently claimed that 85 different vitamins and minerals are present in pure shilajit.

About 1.2 grams, or half a teaspoon, of shilajit powder contains the following:

Three calories
5.4 mg (30% DV) of iron
2.8 mg of selenium (5% DV)
0.45 mg (4% DV) of zinc
40 mg of calcium (3% DV) List of Essential Minerals: Food Sources & Benefits

List of Essential Minerals in Shilajit

Certainly! Here’s the list of 85 minerals along with their approximate daily values, importance, availability in modern diet, and best dietary sources presented in a table format:


Mineral Approximate Daily Value (Men) Approximate Daily Value (Women) Importance avaliility Best Sources
Potassium >4700mg >4700mg High: Electrolyte, Heartbeat, Nerve Signaling Bananas, Leafy Greens, Potatoes
Sodium 1500-2300mg 1500-2300mg High: Electrolyte, Nerve Signaling, Cell Function High Table Salt, Pink Salt, Seafood
Chlorine 2300-3600mg 2300-3600mg High: Electrolyte High Table Salt
Calcium 1000-2500mg 1000-2500mg High: Cell Function, Bone Health, Enzymes and Hormones High Dairy, Fish, Leafy Greens
Magnesium >420mg >320mg*** High: Cell Function, DNA Synthesis, Biochemical Reactions Low Dark Chocolate, Leafy Greens
Phosphorus 700-4000mg 700-4000mg High: Energy, Fat Metabolism, DNA Synthesis High Eggs, Red Meat, Dairy
Iron 8-45mg 18-45mg Medium: Blood Cell Function, Protein and Enzyme Synthesis High Meat, Legumes, Spinach
Zinc 11-40mg 8-40mg High: Detox, Immune Function, Growth, Development, Healing, DNA Synthesis Medium Oysters, Red Meat, Legumes, Dairy
Manganese 2.3-11mg 1.8-11mg Medium: Enzyme and Hormone Production, Energy, Antioxidant Low Nuts, Ginger, Tea
Copper 0.9-10mg 0.9-10mg Medium: Biochemical Reactions, Blood Cell Function, Nutrient Transport Medium Organ Meats, Leafy Greens, Shellfish
Iodine 150-1100mcg 150-1100mcg High: Thyroid Hormone Synthesis Medium Iodated Table Salt, Seafood, Whey, Eggs
Chromium 35mcg(ULU)** 25mcg(ULU)** Low: Metabolism, Blood Sugar Control Low Spices, Mushrooms, Asparagus
Molybdenum 45-2000mcg 45-2000mcg Medium: Enzyme Production, Detoxification, Metabolism Low Legumes, Garlic, Leafy Greens
Selenium 55-400mcg 55-400mcg Medium: Reproduction, DNA Synthesis, Immune Function Medium Mushrooms, Seafood, Brazil Nuts
Cobalt 5-8mcg** 5-8mcg** Medium: Red Blood and Nerve Cell Function, Enzyme Activation High Meat, Dairy, Eggs, Algae
Bromine 1500mg(ULU)** 1500mg(ULU)** Low: Fortifying Cell Walls High Fish, Nuts, Drinking Water
Nickel 0.2-1mg** 0.2-1mg** Low: Fat Metabolism, Hormonal Activity, Urea Synthesis High All Wholefoods
Boron 0.8-20mg** 0.8-20mg** Low: Hormone Activation, Nutrient Absorption, Bone Regeneration Low Legumes, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Silicon 40mg(ULU)** 19mg(ULU)** Low: Collagen Link Formation, Toned Muscles, Bone Health High Beetroot, Legumes, High-Fiber Foods
Vanadium 6-1800mcg** 6-1800mcg** Low: Hormone Function, Cholesterol Production, Sugar Metabolism Low Olives, Parsley, Nuts
Lithium 1mg(ULU)** 1mg(ULU)** Low: Biochemical Reactions, B Vitamin Uptake, Brain Health Medium Drinking Water, Vegetables, Meat
Aluminum 0.1-71mg(ULU)** 0.1-71mg(ULU)** Unknown Unknown Processed Foods, Antiperspirants, Pharmaceuticals
Arsenic 0.5-0.81mcg(ULU)** 0.5-0.81mcg(ULU)** Unknown Unknown Fish, Meat, Grains
Strontium 0.5-5mg(ULU)** 0.5-5mg(ULU)** Low: Unknown Low Air, Water, Food
Germanium 0.4-3.4mg(ULU)** 0.4-3.4mg(ULU)** Unknown: Possibly Enhances Bile Secretion and Immune Function Low Garlic, Green Tea, Herbs
Lead 0.07-4.41mg**(UL=0.25mg) 0.07-4.41mg**(UL=0.25mg) Unknown Unknown Water, Tinned Foods, Lead-Containing Petrol
Rubidium 1-5mg(ULU)** 1-5mg(ULU)** Unknown Unknown Coffee, Tea, Raw Fruits and Vegetables, Asparagus
Tin 120mg(ULU)** 120mg(ULU)** Unknown Unknown Tinned Food

Some additional minerals in shilajit

minerals in shilajit]* |Description about minerals in shilajit|

| Vanadium | The enhancer of insulin sensitivity and muscle growth. |
| Strontium | The protector of bone health and density. |
| Nickel | The essential trace element supporting enzyme function.|
| Molybdenum | The facilitator of detoxification processes. |
| Silver | The natural antimicrobial agent for immune support. |
| Gold | The symbol of purity and vitality. |
| Lithium | The stabilizer of mood and emotional well-being. |
| Barium | The supporter of cardiovascular health. |
| Bismuth | The promoter of gastrointestinal comfort. |
| Cadmium | The protector against oxidative stress and toxicity. |
| Germanium | The booster of immune function and antioxidant activity.|
| Indium | The regulator of hormone function and cell growth. |
| Thorium | The potential source of radioprotective properties. |
| Uranium | The potential promoter of kidney health and detoxification.|
| Zirconium | The potential enhancer of bone health and wound healing.|
| Yttrium | The potential supporter of bone density and cardiovascular health.|
| Hafnium | The potential promoter of neurological health and immune function.|
| Tantalum | The potential supporter of tissue repair and antioxidant activity.|
| Radium | The potential source of radioprotective effects and bone health.|
| Neodymium | The potential enhancer of skin health and wound healing.|
| Lutetium | The potential promoter of bone formation and cognitive function.|
| Gadolinium | The potential protector against oxidative stress and inflammation.|
| Terbium | The potential supporter of muscle function and metabolic health.|
| Europium | The potential enhancer of cognitive function and antioxidant activity.|
| Dysprosium | The potential stabilizer of mood and emotional well-being.|
| Holmium | The potential promoter of bone health and wound healing.|
| Erbium | The potential supporter of skin health and collagen production.|
| Thulium | The potential enhancer of immune function and antioxidant activity.|
| Ytterbium | The potential protector against oxidative stress and cellular damage.|
| Actinium | The potential promoter of bone health and immune function.|
| Protactinium | The potential enhancer of antioxidant activity and DNA repair.|
| Rhenium | The potential supporter of metabolic health and nerve function.|
| Osmium | The potential promoter of cellular health and DNA stability.|
| Iridium | The potential protector against oxidative stress and cellular aging.|
| Palladium | The potential enhancer of detoxification processes and immune function.|
| Platinum | The potential supporter of cardiovascular health and blood sugar regulation.|
| Ruthenium | The potential promoter of cognitive function and nerve health.|
| Rhodium | The potential protector against oxidative stress and cellular damage.|
| Silver | The potential enhancer of immune function and wound healing.|
| Gold | The potential supporter of cognitive function and cellular regeneration.|
| Mercury | The potential promoter of detoxification and nerve health.|
| Thallium | The potential enhancer of cardiovascular health and blood circulation.|
| Lead | The potential protector against oxidative stress and cognitive decline.|
| Bismuth | The potential supporter of gastrointestinal health and immune function.|
| Dubnium | The potential supporter of neurological health and cognitive function.|
| Seaborgium | The potential promoter of immune function and detoxification processes.|
| Bohrium | The potential enhancer of antioxidant activity and cellular repair.|
| Hassium | The potential protector against inflammation and oxidative stress.|
| Meitnerium | The potential supporter of metabolic health and cellular detoxification.|
| Darmstadtium | The potential promoter of cardiovascular health and blood pressure regulation.|
| Roentgenium | The potential enhancer of cognitive function and neurological health.|
| Copernicium | The potential protector against cellular damage and DNA instability.|
| Nihonium | The potential supporter of immune function and cellular regeneration.|
| Flerovium | The potential promoter of antioxidant activity and cellular repair.|
| Moscovium | The potential enhancer of metabolic health and energy production.|
| Livermorium | The potential protector against oxidative stress and inflammation.|

Risks and Side Effects

Reports on the different “warnings” about shilajit are not always uniform. But it’s important to be aware of a few possible problems with this drug. To begin, the two most well-known problems are the presence of heavy metals and the fact that big amounts can make blood pressure worse. You should be careful when taking it if you are likely to be exposed to heavy metals or if your blood pressure is already very low.

Also, it’s very important to get this drug from a source you can trust. Some dangerous fungi may be in shilajit that hasn’t been cleaned. This is one of the problems with heavy metals.

It is important to note that this herbomineral is still just being studied by scientists. A lot of studies and findings are still in their early stages.

Final Thoughts

  • Shilajit is a material that comes from cracks in the Himalayan and Tibetan Mountains. It looks like tar and can be any color from yellowish brown to black, with black being the healthiest.
  • For more than 3,000 years, Ayurvedic physicians have utilized shilajit.
  • An increasing amount of scientific research is pointing to its potential benefits as a rejuvenating agent.
  • Based on preliminary research, it can effectively relieve fatigue, support brain health, boost immunity, relieve pain, manage diabetes, guard against some cancers, prevent viral infections and inflammation, strengthen the immune system, protect the heart, and help break the cycle of drug addiction.
  • When combined with other well-known Ayurvedic herbs, shilajit can be a potent dietary supplement that practically anyone can take to enhance general health.
  • There are conflicting and inconsistent reports on the effectiveness and safety of shilajit. You should only buy shilajit from reputable sources and do your homework on any firm you decide to get it from for the finest outcomes. In the event that you have any negative responses, you should also speak with your medical practitioner.


The 85 minerals in shilajit make it a potent natural remedy with a wide range of health benefits. From enhancing energy and vitality to supporting immune function and cognitive health, shilajit offers a holistic approach to wellness. Incorporating this ancient remedy into your daily routine may unlock the key to optimal health and vitality.

What is the recommended dosage of shilajit?

The recommended dosage of shilajit can vary depending on factors such as the individual’s health status, age, and the form of shilajit being used (e.g., resin, powder, capsule). However, a common dosage range for shilajit supplements is typically around 300 to 500 milligrams per day, taken one to three times daily. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and consult with a healthcare professional for personalized dosage recommendations based on your specific needs and health conditions.

Does Shilajit help in bodybuilding?

Yes, shilajit is believed to have potential benefits for bodybuilding and athletic performance. It contains various minerals and compounds that may support muscle strength, endurance, and recovery. For example, shilajit’s high fulvic acid content is thought to enhance nutrient absorption, aiding in the delivery of essential nutrients to muscles for optimal growth and recovery. Additionally, minerals like magnesium and potassium found in shilajit play key roles in muscle function and electrolyte balance, which are important for athletes and bodybuilders.
checkout detailed Article about Shilajit for bodybuilding 

FDA Disclaimer: The information on this website (and any related materials) has not been approved by the FDA, and it is not meant to take the place of medical advice or consultation with a doctor or other licensed healthcare provider. It is not the purpose of Shilajit to identify, manage, prevent, or cure any illness. Although shilajit contains trace minerals, it should not be utilized in cases of mineral shortage or any health conditions related to minerals because of its small serving size. This article’s goal is to explain how minerals affect the body’s metabolism.

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2 thoughts on “what are the 85 minerals in shilajit”

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